IoT ConMas i-Reporter

No more working by hand! Paperless record keeping from onsite

ConMas i-Reporter is a completely new solution that allows creating and sharing digitized records and reports directly from the work site. With i-Reporter, you can cut printing and storage costs, prevent hand-written mistakes, cut time needed for information retrieval and re-input to your management system, and reduce the risk of losing documents that were taken out of the office.

3 reasons we recommend ConMas i-Reporter:

1: Retains the benefits of paper documents by converting to tablet form, while also adding the benefits of digitized records

By transferring familiar paper or Excel documents as they are to iPad-viewable electronic records, i-Reporter allows use of existing know-how for handwritten records to a digital, paperless form. 29 varieties of input assistance/mistake reduction features allow large boosts to your work's quality and speed.

2: Revolutionizes record-keeping and improves work efficiency

With ConMas i-Reporter, there is no need for post-processing like returning back to the office and re-entering information on a PC or filling out separate reporting papers. Reporting and recording is completed onsite, allowing this information to quickly be shared, approved and utilized. Data is centrally-managed, and access permission settings provide security.

3: Works with your corporate internal systems to turn records into information assets for your business

Centralized data management with i-Reporter allows quick sharing of information, as well as lowering the risks of data loss or leaks. By working with your internal corporate system, collected data can be automatically converted into various documents. i-Reporter doesn't just improve the efficiency of recordkeeping, it enables a wide range of IT solutions to solve the problems different companies face.

What is ConMas i-Reporter

ConMas i-Reporter helps you bring handwritten, paper-based on-site reports and records into digital form. Eliminate the need for later digital input at company headquarters and transport of paper documents by putting reports into digital form from on-site, and enable quick information sharing and form approvals.

ConMas i-Reporter is a registered trademark of Cimtops Corporation

Case study Interview

Introduce a case study of using the document digitization solution named "ConMas i-Reporter" to tackle digital transformation for improving on-site work.

KDDI Group provides customers with the document digitization solution named "ConMas i-Reporter" developed by Cimtops, with which we have a global collaboration for improving on-site work. We accompany our customers through the unique challenges they face when expanding overseas, providing services to them with a strong support system with abundant experience and a proven track record.

In this content, we will introduce how DX was promoted and what improvement activities were carried out at an overseas construction site that was previously an analog world, based on a case study of on-site improvement in Jordan in the Middle East, so please take a look for reference.

Free PDF download about i-Reporter in Vietnam

Paperless Digital Forms and Reports i-Reporter solution help to real time and quickly create forms, reports with approval flow and other additional function like QR code reader, snap picture, hand writing notes and flexible data connection from third applications and more.


What is the best solution for your problem?
Please consult a KDDI consultant.